How can craniosacral therapy help?

  • Stress relief & sleep

    In today's world, where we have to be so many things to so many people, stress can take a toll on our bodies and impact our daily lives. Craniosacral therapy offers a deeply relaxing experience, helping to release tension and promote a sense of calm and wellbeing.

    It is a holistic approach that can help to regulate your nervous system and promote better sleep. It can also be effective in supporting anxiety, bereavement and PTSD for all ages, including teens and children.

  • Pain management

    Whether you're dealing with chronic pain or discomfort from an injury, craniosacral therapy can offer relief.

    It has also been shown to be beneficial for a variety of conditions, including headaches, migraines, TMJ dysfunction, neck and back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, ear infections, hormonal and menstrual difficulties and issues arising from dentistry and orthodontal work.

  • New mums & babies

    Craniosacral therapy is a gentle treatment highly suitable for new mothers and babies. It can help alleviate backaches, improve reflux during pregnancy, and provide essential relaxation for expectant mothers.

    Parents often seek craniosacral therapy for their babies to help with colic, tongue tie, digestive problems, restlessness, and sleep difficulties as well support after a traumatic birth, for both physical and emotional issues that resulted for the baby and family. Fascial work is also great post caesarean section.

What can I expect?

your body holds huge potential for healing and balance.

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) offers a gentle, contemplative approach to tapping into this innate ability. By supporting your body's natural processes, CST helps to balance, restore, and rejuvenate from within.

As a skilled practitioner, I can tune into the subtle rhythms of your body and sense the tensions and patterns you may not even be aware of, supporting your system to release them in a safe and supportive manner. It's a collaborative dance of healing, where your body and mind find harmony.

CST is not just a therapy; it's an invitation to explore the depths of your own healing potential. It's a reminder that within you lies the power to balance, restore, and heal.

our session

Before we work together, I take a thorough case history and hear what has brought you to the session.

We work at your own pace and the treatment involves lying fully clothed on the massage bed or sometimes seated, while I take up light contacts with your head, spine and sacrum. I may also work on other areas of the body, including fascial unwinding (involving movement of limbs, neck and other parts of your body).

When working with babies and children, I am entirely led by them and what they are comfortable with. I can work on babies while they are sleeping, or while mum is feeding, and there is no pressure or expectation for your children to be still or quiet for the treatment!

After a session, it may feel as though you are more aware of your symptoms or that other things have “risen to the surface”. This is temporary, expected and part of the process where your body and system is adjusting. Many of my clients have said the therapy has helped them feel more regulated, provided pain relief, better sleep and a greater sense of wellbeing and resilience in their daily lives.

I found Rebecca’s energy very calming and she put me at ease with her kind nature. The sessions have helped me relax and unwind stress and tension from my very busy job.
— Michael


1 hour Craniosacral Therapy: £60

45 minutes Babies and Children: £45

Fellow CST practitioners and students: £50

Home Visits : £70 plus mileage


£15 off until end of SEPTEMBER